jeudi, août 17, 2006

first blog...

i really don't have much to say.

9 commentaires:

Jobless in January a dit…

this needs to improve...

alex trebek a dit…

but how?

Nituni a dit…

There's nothing in your head, sweety. That's why...

Dementor a dit…

its that akward looking gay man again!
Sweet jesus, this guy is ubiquitous!

Dementor a dit…

By the way, keep up the good work Trebek, you're doing a heckuvajob.

Dementor a dit…

Hey Trebek, why dont you.. er... upgrade your blog man... I mean.. .er... I got more post on my blog... and thats just 2!

Dementor a dit…

... a heckuvajob

Karl Hungus a dit…

Loser. Why do you have a blog anyways? Nobody likes you.

Dementor a dit…

Now thats a mean thing to say... for a dog... with rabies... named breathe...